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Cookie Policy


Cookies are small text files which are sent to your browser by the websites you visit. When you visit our website again, the cookie allows our website to recognise your browser. Cookies are useful because they help us make your website experience more enjoyable. You can find out more about cookies at: www.allaboutcookies.org.
You can manage and control the use of cookies through your browser, including removing cookies by deleting them from your browser history when you leave our website.



Cookies do lots of different jobs on our website, such as letting you navigate between pages efficiently, letting us analyse how well our website is performing, and improving your experience.



We classify cookies we use in the following categories:

Strictly necessary cookies
These cookies are strictly necessary to enable you to move about the website and to provide certain features you have requested. For these cookies, we do not need your permission.

  • Functionality cookies
    These cookies ensure that the website stores your choices (e.g. your user name, language and location) and offers enhanced and customised functions. For example, the site may offer local weather forecasts or traffic news through the use of cookies to store information on the location you are currently in, stores the changes in font size, font type and other parts of the website that are customisable and offer you requested services, such as viewing a video and putting up a comment to a blog. Data stored by these cookies may be anonymised and these cookies cannot keep track of your browser activities on other websites.
  • Performance and Analytics cookies
    These cookies gather information on how you use the website. For example, which sites you visit most frequently and whether you are receiving error messages from them. These cookies do not compile information that will identify you. All data compiled by these cookies are aggregated and are therefore anonymous. These data are used only to enhance the site’s functionality.
  • Targeting (Marketing) cookies
    These cookies are used to (1) deliver advertisements more relevant to you and your interests; (2) limit the number of times you see an advertisement; (3) help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign; and (4) understand people’s behavior after they view an advertisement. They are usually placed on behalf of advertising networks with the site operator’s permission. They remember that you have visited a site and quite often they will be linked to site functionality provided by the other organization.
  • Third-party Cookies
    Our website will set several types of third-party cookies, and we do not control the operation of any of them. The third-party cookies which may be set include:
    Google Analytics – we use Google Analytics to collect data about website usage. This data does not include personally identifiable information. You can view the Google Privacy Policy here: www.google.com/policies/privacy/.
    Facebook – we use a Facebook pixel to obtain information regarding the activities that users engage in while visiting our web pages. For information on Facebook’s Privacy and Cookie policy, visit https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/

You can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies.